Friday, July 8, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days: Day 18 – A song that you wish you heard on the radio

Since I mentioned yesterday that I really do not listen to the radio, per se, this is another toughie.  But I think I got one.

Our recent flooding has meant we have had to go through a LOT of boxes that were in the storage areas of our home.  One such box was FULL of "mix tapes" from back in the day.  I have put a few in my car to listen to while I run errands.

One song that jumped out at me was Bourgeois Tagg's one hit from 1987.  It fit nicely with my steady diet of Beatle songs and the lyrics were about as angst-y as I think I could get as a teenager.

So since I had "lost" this tune for twenty years or so, I wish I had heard it on the radio sooner...


"I Don't Mind At All" by Bourgeois Tagg


The "30 Songs in 30 Days" challenge, inspired by the tumblr list. Our 30 Songs roster:

The Armchair Squid

1 comment:

  1. I found their record a few years ago on vinyl for a dollar and grabbed it. I also got "Blue," by the band Double. Remember "Captain of her Heart"?


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