Wednesday, July 13, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days: Day 23 – A song that you want to play at your wedding

During this challenge I have already posted at least two songs that were played during our wedding.  This one played during our reception.

I can't remember how we found our deejay.  I believe he was a friend of a friend (or, now that I think of it, the friend of someone's boyfriend) and he was very enthusiastic.  He did a lot of "phantom" playing, a la air guitar, but his "instrument" of choice was the drums....and he had his own drumsticks.

He also apparently only had limited amounts of "mood music" for dinner.  My brother joked he apparently had "James Taylor's Greatest Hits Volume One AND Two."

I am pretty sure we heard this song THREE times during dinner.  A good song, but not really wedding reception music...


Fire & Rain by James Taylor

The "30 Songs in 30 Days" challenge, inspired by the tumblr list. Our 30 Songs roster:

The Armchair Squid


  1. Is that why we joke about James Taylor at your wedding?

    I wasn't really paying attention to the music that much. I had my eyes on the pretty girl who caught the bouquet.

  2. Ha! And Awwww...

    I was talking with your brother recently and there was another long-standing family joke that neither of us knew where it came from but still found it funny...


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