Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blogging From A To Z: B is for Beatles favorite musicians of all time....

I am attempting to take part in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. See the full list at Tossing It Out.  There are currently over 1100 blogs participating!

Here are some of the other blogs participating that I follow:
The Armchair Squid; A good friend in the real world and Master Blogger who took up this challenge with GUSTO!
Tossing It Out; Where this all started!
Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool; A delightfully quirky blog I stumbled across a few months ago.
Open The Toy; The title says it all..."Toys, Games and Anything Fun!"


  1. The Beatles are absolutely unparalleled!! Found you from the A-Z Challenge, looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun, with maybe a little bit of stress thrown in!! I’m now following you on GFC and I hope you have a chance to check out my blog!

  2. Love the Beatles, of course. I'll have at least two Beatles posts when we do the 30 songs.

    And hey, thanks for the plug.

  3. I found you on the A-Z challenge


Why, hello there!

My Favorites