Friday, June 17, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days: Day 01 – Your favorite song

Wow.  Nothing like starting off with a toughie.  How do you pick one?  One of my students asked me what my favorite movie was and I replied that things like that change as you get is harder to have absolutes.  I have a favorite comedy, a favorite action film, and so on.  She looked at me like I was nuts and then proclaimed "Grown Ups" to be the best movie of all time.

Anyway, I might have to put "Band On The Run" by Paul McCartney as my favorite song.  There is something to it that I have always liked.  I grew up a Beatles fan, but gravitated towards Paul's solo stuff.  I am fairly confident he will show up again on the list.



  1. Good choice! Some people called him lazy sometimes because he's made complete songs by mashing unfinished ideas together (like the medley at the end of Abbey Road), but I have always loved Band on the Run. It's got the slow intro, the faster electric part, and then the lush part with the acoustic guitar after that, all in the first 2 minutes of the song!

  2. We both picked McCartney tunes! Though mine's from the Beatles catalog. Looking forward to the next 29.


Why, hello there!

My Favorites