This has been a CRAZY week! I had a HUGE project due for my Masters Class which required me staying at school each night this past week until 10:00. Progress Reports went out on Friday. Our students started our final end of the year project, which is my baby, so I had to go to each of the fifth grade classrooms to introduce it...and I still had to teach my regular classes.
That being said, I missed my May 1st comic cover post. So, 3 days late but here are some comics I own with May cover dates.
May 1964 |
My oldest issue of "The Avengers". I'm fairly certain I got it at a convention held on UVM's campus in the mid-1980s. If memory serves, it was in the same building the majority of my classes were held when I eventually attended UVM in the early 1990s.
May 1965 |
My oldest X-Men comic. This I got so very cheap when I first started buying back issues.
May 1973 |
This is the storyline where Doctor Doom stiffs Luke Cage out of a $200 payment, leading to Cage going on a mission of revenge to Latveria. You can read more about it here. The payoff issue includes one of my favorite panels of all time.
"Where's my money, honey?" |
And that's all I can do today...