Sunday, September 11, 2011

This Date In History

Last November, The Armchair Squid shared the existence of this blog (9/11 WTC Attack Photojournal) with me. The photo here is NOT from that blog, but the photos there are breath-taking and provide a harrowing first person account of the day.

Never Forget...

"This is a photo-journal of my experience on 9/11/2001. On the day of the World Trade Center attack, I was living inside what is now known as "Ground Zero". My one of the buildings closer to the WTC on the left side.

I found myself shooting these photographs as the entire event unfolded. Running from the falling tower, I was evacuated to New Jersey on a tugboat from Battery Park.

This photo journal is my way of sharing my experience with other people. Please feel free to share it with others. If it makes a difference, if it reaches one more person who may take away something from it, I am grateful. If you feel so inclined, I would be happy to hear from you (whether it be your experience, or otherwise - and many thanks to those who have sent me kind thoughts and wishes through this ordeal)."

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Post-Irene Schulz Library Needs Your Help

Originally posted HERE.

Tom Spurgeon points me in the direction of this update on the Schulz Library in Vermont, post-Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene:
Against many odds, and with the amazing help of our friends, I’m thrilled to announce on behalf of The Center for Cartoon Studies community that the entire Schulz Library collection is safe and secure in the dry storage area of the Telegraph Building, a few blocks from where it once resided in the old firehouse. However, given the hectic nature of moving the books in the wee hours of the morning with the sound of risinig water a few feet away and emergency lights blazing, the collection is a bit jumbled.
The immediate task at hand is to get the books organized and ready to move to wherever the library will be next.
Volunteers in the area to help sort and store books are invited to email Caitlin McGurk at to find out when and how they can help, and the rest of us can donate to the library’s reconstruction effort.

A Look At Vermont

The media reports that Vermont was one of the hardest hit areas by Tropical Storm Irene.  Here are some photos from the EXCELLENT site

While everyone I know escaped this storm relatively unscathed, this is the part of the state I grew up in and the roads we traveled to visit other relatives.

Photos are copyrighted by Wings Over Vermont Aerial Photography and Sightseeing, LLC.

The white building is the Brandon House of Pizza.  Not but five days before we were driving through Brandon and debating our options for dinner.  We skipped BHoP and went to McDonalds instead.

My Favorites